Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Herpes Simplex: The Causes, Symptoms and Remedy

Writings Solution | 10:22 PM

Herpes is a group of viruses that create painful blisters and sores around the mouth and other skin areas. Among the three types of virus Herpes Simplex is called HSV-1 which affects the mouth by developing cool sores. Patient suffers very painful and miserable situation when get affected. It a very discomfort condition when you cannot given your children a kiss in the cheeks because HSV-1 spreads through saliva. Study found that children are very much vulnerable to get HSV.

HSV-1 virus is contagious. You may get infected in the childhood or at later stages if you come into contact with an infected person, high temperature or crops of small mouth ulcers. This virus can be spread to other parts of the body such as eye, fingers and genital. Recently this virus also multiplies via HSV-2. HSV reaches from one person to another through touching, sexual intercourse and kissing. The patient may also get infected via their skin.

Patients have observed blisters and papules in clusters. Most common symptoms are itching, a burn feeling and pain. Penis or Vaginal discharge is seen. Mild fever, headache, fatigue, are presented and patients feel lack of energy and enthusiasm. The infection is different for each case based on the genes and the immune system of the body of the affected person.

The majority of the people are not informed and aware of the infection of HSV. Because of this ignorance, this virus spreads widely. Preventive action and caution should be needed. Infected person should not do unproductive sexual activities. Skin must be kept dry and clean. Drink much pure water and take proper rest and sleep. Don’t try to touch the sores and you must wash your hand if you do so. Wear comfortable cloths. If the blisters and sores can be prevented, spread of this virus can be controlled. Now many websites are providing information about the INS and OUT of the HSV. Educate yourself as the wise saying prevention is better than cure.

Remember that this virus can not be cured fully. Rather antiviral medicines are prescribed by the doctors for the infected patients. When you first observed the symptoms, it is suggested that you should take Acyclovir tablets. There are three forms of Acyclovir i.e. 800mg, 400mg and 200mg are found in the pharmacy. You may experience some side effects for using the drugs i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. To avoid those side effects take medication after having some food. There are some oral solutions like vitamin B, C, E, Zinc, sulfur, lysine are much effective in the treatment of HSV patient. Many sufferers suggest taking various fruits such as melons, red pepper, berries, garlic, various juices, broccoli, green tea etc.

Take water to the infected area two to five times in a day for 12 days of the first outbreak. There are some herbal natural treatments for HSV which claims the full cure of the patient. You must complete the full course. Visit your family doctor twice in a year and do some tests to certain whether you have HSV virus in the body.You should consult a doctor before going to use any medicine.

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